Sunday, April 11, 2010

Too funny.

Me: Girl why did your big sister just slice her thumb open while washing dishes. All I heard was her yelling "I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding!" I grabbed a maxi pad and ran down the hallway, wrapped it around her thumb then played doctor and patched her back together.  and they talking about me now cuz i grabbed the pad. i'm like shoot... it worked!
Lil Sister: LMAO!!! Did it stop the bleeding...if so then they should b quiet.
Me:  yeah it did. LOL. First aid 101 put pressure on the wound. although not sterile...still clean
Lil Sister: As long as that did the job.  Wait? So u ran pass tissue and grabbed a pad lol!?!
Me:  LMAO actually I didn't. I cleaned out my purse last night and it was a pad sitting in my "to put away" pile. LOL.
Lil Sister:  okay...i guess its okay then.

1 comment:

  1. LOL at least she had four wall protection....

    .....okay that was corny lol
