Thursday, December 11, 2008

well, well, well

I have had a great week friends. I had the best experience ever at the bank nonetheless. The teller asked me to come back so I could sign the article i wrote in Curve. Can you believe that? I was like, problem! I beamed the rest of the way out of the bank.

It's raining cats and dogs here, since I haven't looked at the news, I have absolutely no reason why we keep getting these flash flood warnings.

My little cousin is borrowing my computer for school but now I can't get in touch with him. so I am at the library and can you believe they only give you the option of 15 minutes. Gotta go...mine is up!


  1. Now that's what's up! I'd love to see the day when someone asks me to autograph something that I wrote! Can't wait to see more of your work published!

  2. Glennisha: That day will come! I have had a hard time coming up with ideas to pitch, I have a few lined up we'll see.

    Brianne: Lol! I'm a F-Lister. lol.

  3. I saw your article in Curve when I was at the bookstore. I felt so proud, like I know her. Very good.

  4. Awww deep. you do know me... probably better than some people i see everyday.
