Monday, December 22, 2008

Here's the thing....

I am tired of reading about Obama and Rick Warren. Everytime I go to a new news site, I say to myself..."I'm not gonna read it." And low and behold, I end up reading someone else's opinion of why Warren should not be a part of the inauguration.

And frankly my's my $5 input. I read a biography about Rick Warren a couple of years ago. I admired his tenacity. He got his church up off the ground like many other pastors. What concerns me is not what he says about gay people, but how we react to what he says about gay people. How can we want everyone to have a place at the table, but not want everyone to have a place at the table?

Many people have compared homosexuals to pedophilia, incest, and beastiality. Many people believe that deep down in their souls that we are going to hell. And you know what, they are entitled to their belief. No matter how stupid, ignorant, or uneducated they sound they are entitled to it.

Hell, my momma and I am sure many of your parents have thought or said similar things. But that doesn't keep you from loving them. And if given the opportunity to speak at the inauguration, we would be right there by there side.


  1. I missed this memo.I just started back really keeping up with news like I use to.Sometimes this crap pisses me off and sometimes it's just whatever.One day we'll get over this hump

  2. you can't please everybody 100% of the time, so why try? Obama knows this, and it's true the only way we are going to get over this hump is to come together.

    im tired of everybody crying about everything all the time. folks need to learn how to pick and choose their battles.

  3. Tamara,

    I'm really enjoying your blog. I agree with you and the last poster up until a point. Warren is entitled to his homophobic beliefs but he nor any of our relatives who may hold a similar opinion should get a pass on their homophobia and religious bigotry just because they mask it behind religion.

    It is no longer acceptable to compare LGBT folks or our relationships to incest and pedophilia and if we don't continue to call folks like Warren on their mess it will continue and we will be guilty of aiding and abetting.

    Warren is not just a regular guy, he's an influential pastor who has the ability to create an atmosphere of love and tolerance or hatred and discrimination. Sadly, when it comes to LGBT's he's chosen the latter. He should be held accountable.

  4. Darian, thanks so much for posting. I am not advocating for homophobia to be tolerated.I am advocating for the LGBT community to think before they react. Anger towards Warren/Obama is not winning anyone any allies. Unfortunately too many decisions are being made off of emotions and not what's best for the community to move forward. I know everyone is still upset with the Prop 8 decision, but once again we have to look at what we can do. Look at what is working...because this bitterness is not. Religion is not the enemy. So our disgust has to be properly channeled and directed for the greater good of our community.
