Monday, December 8, 2008

Straight and Narrow

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. It's like parents get together and have a secret meeting when they suspect their child of being gay. They have a script:

"I want grandchildren." (That's nice.)
"You've changed. You're just so different." (I have changed. I grew the hell up.) *LOL
"When are you going to give me some grandchildren?" (When are you going to give me $1 million?)
"You should get married." (You should have voted no on Prop 8 and maybe that would have occurred.)
"I want you to be happy. You don't seem happy." (I'm not because you are bugging the hell out of me.)
"You need a man." ( You need a man, so you can stay the hell out of my bedroom.)
"I just want what's best for you." ( I just want you to know that you don't get to decide what's best for me.)

I mean I just don't get it anymore. I am (and many of you are to) too old for this line of questioning. Alot of you are over the age of 18 and well on your own or making moves to get there, right? What happened to, "When you get out of my house, you can do anything you want to do with your life." When did parents decide that they wanted to continue to control their kids lives post high school and college? In the words of Major Payne, "Pop your ti-ttie out his mouth" and let people do them.

Growing up, we did not question our parents actions. No, we let them make decision upon decision without questioning them. Plus if we had, we might have gotten slapped. Now I know we can't slap our parents...well we could, but I wouldn't advise it, but there has to be a level of respect on both sides so that we can live our life the way we want to live it. Acceptance is one thing. Disrespect is another. How would you handle your parents constantly nagging you about these issues, when you have made it clear that it is 1) none of their damn business and 2) it ain't happening.


  1. I think our parents are the same people... I get the same thing


    Ho ho ho!!!

  2. lol lucy, my momma has moved past this part...but it is crazy how similar they begin to act.

  3. Hm, my parents don't say anything at all.
    My mom believes I'll have children in my own way (and I will) so she never worries, and my dad well he blocks it out but he knows, and doesn't question my heart.

  4. I am glad your parents don't participate in this rhetoric. Many of us do want to have kids. Those responses were mostly out of frustration and are no way a reflection of everyones experience. Your parents should be giving a class on how to appreciate your children and let them live their life.

  5. i get this more from my grandma than anyone. my mom is deceased and my dad still thinks I am 5 with pigtails. Honestly, I think my dad would be ok if I never had a man in my life, even though I don't think he would be ok if he knew I am a lesbian.

    but yeah, I get this from my grandma...usually on the phone since she lives a few hours away. I just say "grandma, I have to go now..." LOL

  6. SMH...sometimes I just want to walk away and not look back, but that's probably not the best thing for my relationship with my mom. I think Will Smith (at the time he was the Fresh Prince) said it best: "Parents just don't understand."

  7. my mom doesn't know and I don't even know what lines she'll come up with once she does

  8. ladybug: definitely not the best thing, just know that it will work out...eventually.

    glennisha: she'll probably say some of that stuff above. Lol.
