Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cooking Adventures

Well we cooked dinner; fried fish and homemade onion rings. We've been cooking a lot lately. It was really good too, but let me tell you how it went down...

1st I was using beer batter without beer...instead I used old bay seasoning and water....it did the trick

We did the onion rings first, they turned out nice and crispy.

While she made the tartar sauce (which she added a dash of Worcester sauce to because we were running out of relish) I started cooking the fish.

Tell me why the fish sank right to the bottom of the pan and proceeded to stick. The first and last 2 pieces came out fine... The ones in the middle literally fell apart in the pan.

I couldn't do anything but laugh...and stare in disbelief. I have never seen fried fish fall apart in the pan. She said it was because the fish was too wet when I started cooking it....

Oh well, it was still good.


  1. lol. homemade onion rings...i ought to try that someday.

  2. I've had plenty of cooking mishaps. It comes with the art. Sounds like it was a delicious meal. I'm sure you two still ate the fish that was messed up.

  3. The fun part is you two did it together. Sounds wonderful.

  4. Trial and error...just too many errors this time. Homemade onion rings are good, just be careful when seasoning the batter. We did eat the fish and it was good too. lol....but Deepdiva, you are so right, it was fun us doing it together.

  5. Cooking and learning is always fun and a hell of experience lol
