I forgot to tell you all I have been on a cooking spree. Not ramen noodle cooking either. Like today, I made an italian pasta salad and added garlic bread. Yesterday I made black bean burgers. I know...it may not sound appealing, but it is delicious. I saw a recipe in Gourmet magazine and I tweaked it with the actual ingredients I had in the pantry.
I was telling my girlfriend it is because when I went home for Christmas, I didn't eat out fast food once. I ate home cooking everyday accept the one time my mom took me to a nice restaurant called Lily House. And it was basically home cooking too. But I appreciated that time with my family and the good delightful eats that I consumed.
Since being home, I have eaten out at some fast food joints, but not like I used to. I will forego a double cheeseburger for the grocery store. I now swing by the markets more frequently, look at recipes more often and actually taste my food. All I can say is my tummy has been screaming hmm hmm good an awful lot lately. Ciao.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Driving while...
On my way home yesterday, I was behind a stupid driver who was actually SEWING. Sewing. That's what I said. Need I say more?
Dating on a Budget Series
Valentine's Day is coming up really soon. I've been writing a dating on a budget series over at queercents. It runs every Monday afternoon. If you've missed the goods so far, be sure to catch up:
Dating on a Budget: The Rules
Dating on a Budget: Simple First Dates
Dating on a Budget: Hmm Hmm Good!
Dating on a Budget: The Rules
Dating on a Budget: Simple First Dates
Dating on a Budget: Hmm Hmm Good!
I got another job....
I interviewed for this job back in October. Tuesday I got a call to see if I was still interested. I told you all about it...I had to do a presentation and I did mine on napkin folding. I don't think I ever did put up those pictures. But here's another part-time job. Hey don't 2 part time jobs make a full time job? YAY! I start training today, so I will let you know how it goes.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
"Fake" Name My Ass
So today, I was looking at a magazine and I came across an article about black women on the down low. One of the interviewees reminded me of a girl from college. Now we weren't friends by any means. There was a situation that impeded a possible friendship. I believe this article was talking about her, eventhough it said it wasn't her real name. Bull!
There are several clues that lead me to believe that is indeed her; the psychologist and amateur FBI profiler in me says it's her. And frankly, I was pissed. But why was I pissed?
As I looked back on my undergraduate years, I thought about our encounters. I thought about how the first few years, I really did care about fitting in and acting the proper way. I've always been a good girl to the average person, but I've done my share of dirt. However, this particular person used her perception of a situation I was involved in and tried to tarnish my good reputation.
I felt under constant judgement from her and her friends. I did things that I didn't necessarily need to do, just so I could feel justified in previous actions. I know this is kinda vague...but essentially, I cared what this chick thought of me so much, that I did stuff...I guess..in a way to win her approval.
So essentially, I am pissed at myself. Pissed that I gave her that much control in my life. But glad, that I'm a big girl now and can learn from my mistakes and be honest with myself. I am even more committed now to watch what I say to others, about others.
There are several clues that lead me to believe that is indeed her; the psychologist and amateur FBI profiler in me says it's her. And frankly, I was pissed. But why was I pissed?
As I looked back on my undergraduate years, I thought about our encounters. I thought about how the first few years, I really did care about fitting in and acting the proper way. I've always been a good girl to the average person, but I've done my share of dirt. However, this particular person used her perception of a situation I was involved in and tried to tarnish my good reputation.
I felt under constant judgement from her and her friends. I did things that I didn't necessarily need to do, just so I could feel justified in previous actions. I know this is kinda vague...but essentially, I cared what this chick thought of me so much, that I did stuff...I guess..in a way to win her approval.
So essentially, I am pissed at myself. Pissed that I gave her that much control in my life. But glad, that I'm a big girl now and can learn from my mistakes and be honest with myself. I am even more committed now to watch what I say to others, about others.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Office decorum
Don't freak your bosses desk, stapler, hole punch or anything like that ... although funny, not very appropriate.
Sometimes I just want to disappear. I could blend into the world of anonymous bloggers. I'll still post here of course. I could tell all of my secret fantasies, deep dark secrets and other things I have done. But I don't know if I would want people to actually read it? It's enough just for me to write it. To get it out of my head, to stop obsessing and editing myself. I wouldn't connect it to twitter, facebook, myspace, or any other technical entity and you know what, people would still find it. That's interesting and crazy.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Yeah, I’m a Taurus. So what?
I read my horoscope the other day and it was- the craziest thing. It said something about me needing to take a break, relax and go into myself. I wonder why it is that whenever it says something like that...I get sick. Like I don’t know how to relax on my own so the universe sits my arse down. Truth is I don’t. My idea of relaxation is staying in the bed all day. But even then I can be so stressed out that I have to get up and leave. Kind of defeats the purpose of resting.
I don’t know...well I do know how to calm my mind; I just haven’t done it in a long time: meditate. I had a place designated in our home, but now that part is cluttered. And it is really cold in there. Even with the heat on...it is cold as heck in that room. That is the main reason for not meditating. I can’t get enough peace and quiet in any other place in the house to get my mood in alignment.
It’s something I need to put into practice again. Around January 2 everyone was starting to go back to work. I remember people were complaining and dreading that day. I was so grateful to not feel that way about work. I am working from home and although some stress exists, I am satisfied and happy. I can type in my pj’s if I really wanted. Even when I was sick, I could still pound out a few words on the comp and it was no big deal. Plus, I was in a different place each time. I could travel the world if I had more money. (I will too!)
But according to my horoscope for 2009, professional advances are in the works for me. That means these are not the only jobs I will be working. I already knew that going into the year and before I read my horoscope. Mainly because, these have been my goals for the last 6 months, I know they are going to come into fruition. My mom even asked me, “Are you trying to make up for lost time from being unemployed?” No.
I want to make up for lost time from being without a regular paycheck. I have always been employed.
By going to the conference, I learned that everyone has a day job. I established within myself, that I am not above doing something I am good at and enjoy (a day job) to do something that I love (writing). Writing is something I could do in my sleep-it takes no effort for me whatsoever. My writing is in full swing, a goal for 2008, and it is beyond time to start meditating again. It will be an absolute necessity for me so that I can remain calm, cool, and healthy. So we will see how this year plays out and if my horoscope for 09 is right. Ciao.
I don’t know...well I do know how to calm my mind; I just haven’t done it in a long time: meditate. I had a place designated in our home, but now that part is cluttered. And it is really cold in there. Even with the heat on...it is cold as heck in that room. That is the main reason for not meditating. I can’t get enough peace and quiet in any other place in the house to get my mood in alignment.
It’s something I need to put into practice again. Around January 2 everyone was starting to go back to work. I remember people were complaining and dreading that day. I was so grateful to not feel that way about work. I am working from home and although some stress exists, I am satisfied and happy. I can type in my pj’s if I really wanted. Even when I was sick, I could still pound out a few words on the comp and it was no big deal. Plus, I was in a different place each time. I could travel the world if I had more money. (I will too!)
But according to my horoscope for 2009, professional advances are in the works for me. That means these are not the only jobs I will be working. I already knew that going into the year and before I read my horoscope. Mainly because, these have been my goals for the last 6 months, I know they are going to come into fruition. My mom even asked me, “Are you trying to make up for lost time from being unemployed?” No.
I want to make up for lost time from being without a regular paycheck. I have always been employed.
By going to the conference, I learned that everyone has a day job. I established within myself, that I am not above doing something I am good at and enjoy (a day job) to do something that I love (writing). Writing is something I could do in my sleep-it takes no effort for me whatsoever. My writing is in full swing, a goal for 2008, and it is beyond time to start meditating again. It will be an absolute necessity for me so that I can remain calm, cool, and healthy. So we will see how this year plays out and if my horoscope for 09 is right. Ciao.
Friday, January 9, 2009
If you follow me on twitter, you probably already know that I am sick. It is the worst, only because I haven't gotten my first paycheck yet. When you can't take care of yourself, it is not a good feeling. I burst into tears because 1) I felt awful, 2) there was nothing I could do about it, and 3) no matter what my girlfriend wanted to do, she couldn't do anything about it either.
I used to have a wifi hotspot in our bedroom, but whose ever it was, changed it from an unsecure connection to a secure connection. That sucks.
But other than that...I am pretty good. I have been reading a lot lately. One of my homegirls has books galore at her house. Books I wouldn't normally read, I have been picking up. Janet Evanovich has a set of romance books that she is re-releasing under her own name and they are so good. So far I have read Naughty Neighbor and Foul Play. They were better than expected. I usually don't expect much from books so if they aren't good, I am not disappointed. And if they are good, I am pleasantly surprised.
I've also read Bliss by Fionna Zedde 2x's already. Now, I am looking for some more good lesbian authors. Any suggestions?
I used to have a wifi hotspot in our bedroom, but whose ever it was, changed it from an unsecure connection to a secure connection. That sucks.
But other than that...I am pretty good. I have been reading a lot lately. One of my homegirls has books galore at her house. Books I wouldn't normally read, I have been picking up. Janet Evanovich has a set of romance books that she is re-releasing under her own name and they are so good. So far I have read Naughty Neighbor and Foul Play. They were better than expected. I usually don't expect much from books so if they aren't good, I am not disappointed. And if they are good, I am pleasantly surprised.
I've also read Bliss by Fionna Zedde 2x's already. Now, I am looking for some more good lesbian authors. Any suggestions?
Monday, January 5, 2009
Lesbian Rags
I love Barnes & Noble. I can spend hours upon hours there. Now when I go into the book store, I make a bee line to the magazines then to the "Gay & Lesbian Literature". I usually pick up a good mystery or two then to the cafe to see if any of what I just picked up was worth purchasing. I remember when I used to go to B&N, I would pretend like I was looking at the "Women's Studies" or "Native American" section as I snuck a peak over at the LGBT section. I always get a kick out of it when I see younger teens doing the same thing. I sometimes want to go up and talk to them. But I don't. When I was in there today, I was really shocked to see a few African-American themed LGBT books in the Fiction section. That was a shock and a first for me.
But lately, I have grown an affinity to Borders. They carry Jane & Jane which someone wrote was a good website which I need to go check out. I also saw another new lesbian magazine called Crave. Does anyone know if Girlfriends Magazine is still around? I need to check them out too. It was my first lesbian purchase. I bought another magazine just so I could hide it. I remember my heart beating really fast. LOL...Oh how much I have changed. Of course they have Curve magazine but I am just seeing a wider variety of books that is looking very appealing. I bought my first lesbian magazine there so I don't know why I am surprised. I just wish they were open later. Here, B&N closes at 11 and Border closes at 10. That hour is the crucial thing for me. I don't even start putting my stuff up or checking out until 10:55. LOL. Then Border's has music and movies to peruse too.
But lately, I have grown an affinity to Borders. They carry Jane & Jane which someone wrote was a good website which I need to go check out. I also saw another new lesbian magazine called Crave. Does anyone know if Girlfriends Magazine is still around? I need to check them out too. It was my first lesbian purchase. I bought another magazine just so I could hide it. I remember my heart beating really fast. LOL...Oh how much I have changed. Of course they have Curve magazine but I am just seeing a wider variety of books that is looking very appealing. I bought my first lesbian magazine there so I don't know why I am surprised. I just wish they were open later. Here, B&N closes at 11 and Border closes at 10. That hour is the crucial thing for me. I don't even start putting my stuff up or checking out until 10:55. LOL. Then Border's has music and movies to peruse too.
Toilet Paper Thief
Okay so you ran out of toilet paper? I know you may be feeling the $$ pinch, but please don't steal it from the bathroom in Barnes & Noble, your favorite restaurant, department store, etc. You can get 4 rolls for $1 from Walgreens, The Dollar Tree and many other discount stores. It's just totally inappropriate.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Everything is Fine in 2009
Hello Everyone!!!
So what have I been up to?
I have a job with Smarthinking.com so I have been training for that. The new semester starts January 23 and I am naturally a procrastinator so I haven't been able to post as much as I would like in this new year. I will get it together though. My time management skills are already getting better. That's good. And would not have been possible without God.
I feel like 09 is going to be the YEAR. Does anyone else feel like that or know what I am talking about?
My girlfriend is absolutely amazing. I love her sooooo much. We have been inseparable since I got back into town. LOL. Sorry to everyone who have tried to spend time with us...gottta get that quality time in again.
I got a sewing machine for Christmas so you know I am going to be sewing again soon.
I have so many purse ideas in my head that it isn't even funny.
I am now a contributing writer over at QueerCents. I hope you all stop by and take a look at the Dating on a Budget series, plus there are some good tidbits about managing your finances. :-)
So what have I been up to?
I have a job with Smarthinking.com so I have been training for that. The new semester starts January 23 and I am naturally a procrastinator so I haven't been able to post as much as I would like in this new year. I will get it together though. My time management skills are already getting better. That's good. And would not have been possible without God.
I feel like 09 is going to be the YEAR. Does anyone else feel like that or know what I am talking about?
My girlfriend is absolutely amazing. I love her sooooo much. We have been inseparable since I got back into town. LOL. Sorry to everyone who have tried to spend time with us...gottta get that quality time in again.
I got a sewing machine for Christmas so you know I am going to be sewing again soon.
I have so many purse ideas in my head that it isn't even funny.
I am now a contributing writer over at QueerCents. I hope you all stop by and take a look at the Dating on a Budget series, plus there are some good tidbits about managing your finances. :-)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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