Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

Today is my granny's birthday. Lucky her-- she get's two holidays in one. This day is also significant because my grandfather was a veteran. He passed away in July of 2004 from complications that he received in the Korean War. I know...he was old. But it was a long hard life. Yesterday would have been his 80th (??? I'm not really sure about this) birthday. As I think about my grandparents and all that they endured, I would like to offer a sincere "thank you" to all of the service women and men who put their lives on the line for our country and it's continued safety. Almost every male in my family has served in the armed forces. This day is truly heartwrenching when I think about all of the people who have lost their lives in battle...from complications...or still living with fresh knowledge (and some not so good) of the wars or places they were deployed. I pray for a flourishing of peace on Earth.

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