Thursday, June 25, 2009


I'm only writing when I feel moved to write. I hope that you still come around and send me emails. It's just that I can get so wrapped up on-line, that I don't accomplish the things I need to throughout the day. Plus, I don't want to fill your minds with garbage. And that's what I would be doing if I wrote everyday just for the sake of writing. I won't do that. I won't be using this blog to bash the world. There is enough of that going on already. I want this to be a place where I can process- you can process- we can process and move into a great place in our lives. I want to sow good seeds.

If you haven't noticed, lately I have been really processing my life. Defining my hopes and dreams while searching my heart for answers has been refreshing. Every few months I find out something wonderful about myself. But this time, I think it goes even deeper than just my normal processing.

The silence has helped the internal critic understand actions and desires more clearly. I am getting back to my roots; not the superficial stuff that everyone else thinks they know, but my authentic self that I haven't shown to many people- maybe no one but God. It's a cleansing. Year 30 is the year I cleanse and snatch and live the life I have long desired.

I was telling a friend, I feel as though I have leaped to year 45 in wisdom because I just have no time for nonsense anymore. I think middle-aged women are fascinating, because that is when they decide to live their life. I want to live my life now. I don't want to get caught up on that monotonous train of duty and obligation and miss the train to relaxation, fun, peace and enjoyment.

Until next time, have fun! ~ Tam


  1. I hear ya Tam. That's so true. Gotta live your life. People make small things, big things and spend wasting energy on stuff that doesn't even matter. I don't want to do that, I try not to.

    Kudos to you for soul-searching and living authentically. I wish you nothing but the best always! Just don't be a stranger!

    -The Other Tam. LOL

  2. just dropping in to say hello!


  3. I'm a new follower of your blog and I am really digging this post. I am so where you are in terms of life processing and most importantly when it comes to getting rid of the non-sense. Wasting precious time on things that dont matter is so fruitless...I applaud you for being true to yourself. BRAVO!

  4. The middle-aged comment resonates. There is a lil sumpin sumpin to the "life begins at 40" observation. :-)

    Cheers to you.
