Friday, June 11, 2010
What If My Friend Tamara Is Gay?
So what? Do you want to date your friend Tamara? Otherwise, it shouldn't matter. I am sure the Tamara you know won't suddenly change into a hypersexual crazed lesbian. And if she does...why does it matter? There are hypersexual crazed heterosexual people everywhere. (I'm just saying!)
Before you proceed, you will need to ask yourself a few questions: What is the nature of your relationship? Is this your shopping buddy? A really close friend? Co-worker? Has your relationship entered into a space that allows you to talk about such an intimate issue?
For instance, some of my friends have made it clear on several occassions that they do not want to talk about their sex life, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, etc-- and I respect that. With these people, I know it doesn't matter and I am content with just being the best friend I can be. We value the same things and offer support where needed.
So I say to you-- consider Tamara in this equation. She is not just gay. She is a human being with interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes. What will knowing this minute detail do for your relationship? Will it enhance it? You know, you don't have to be sure she is gay to be a support system. Another simple way to handle this is to just ask her and be ready for an honest answer. And remember, this has nothing to do with you. Not everyone is ready or willing to be open about their sexuality. It's best to let her tell you if and when she wants to.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Renewed Purpose: That Gay Girl Tamara
As a black lesbian who had lived with my girlfriend since 2001, it was mind boggling to say the least. How could I get folk to listen to me? The blog was sent to a few friends and it quickly got forwarded to others. It was inevitable that my childhood best friend would send it to her mom. I was shocked and relieved at the same time. I'm sure my mom has read she got the link as well. But, as I progressed and I started baring my soul...I didn't really want her to read it anymore.
In discussions, I found that this--wanting people to not read the blog-- was a common phenomenon with some blog writers. Throughout this blog, I have simply discussed the nature of myself and all of my inconsistencies. At the moment that the post is written, that is how I feel. Sometimes, I see myself writing in circles--but it is a great way for me to get to the root of my feelings. When I read the previous posts, I am reminded of my purpose and the path from which I have sometimes strayed. I have no agenda except to be unapologetically and utterly me: a loving lesbian of color engaged to another wonderful lesbian of color and wanting to make the world a better place for all of us.
Happy Memorial Day
Friday, May 21, 2010
Loving Love
Thursday, May 13, 2010
If you haven't heard by now...
Where have I been?
Writing some more.
And writing even more.
and that's about it...not much really.
I have been inspired so I have to do what I have to do to get out of the "daytime job grind".
Tami and Tanesha are such an inspiration. Not only does the Say I Do! LGBT Wedding Expo have a great lineup of vendors and sponsors, but now it is an official event of DC PRIDE!!!!! I have no reservations about driving the six hours to attend the event. I am so elated it is ridiculous. The fact that this was just conceived and executed and it has become so much more just makes me swoon with the notice that I can do it too.
I can plan something with no expectations and it can exceed my wildest dreams. Now I have to get back to writing....
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Too funny.
Lil Sister: LMAO!!! Did it stop the bleeding...if so then they should b quiet.
Me: yeah it did. LOL. First aid 101 put pressure on the wound. although not sterile...still clean
Lil Sister: As long as that did the job. Wait? So u ran pass tissue and grabbed a pad lol!?!
Me: LMAO actually I didn't. I cleaned out my purse last night and it was a pad sitting in my "to put away" pile. LOL.
Lil Sister: okay...i guess its okay then.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Relentless Wonder
In middle school, I met my "sister". She is supposedly 5 or 6 years older than me. She was nice and we looked alike- well that's what others said. We hung out a lot and then her mom moved her to Virginia Beach. I missed her for awhile. Having a big sister was so much fun. We find each other and then lose contact. My aunt who passed away was the one who was always in the know.
These relationships were in my past and I need to find a way to put it behind me. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter. My past is not my future - nor my present. The traditional sense of obligation has long been gone. So, why do I care?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I really like vegetables. I am talking about brussel sprouts (sp?), greens, cabbage, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, almost anything that is cooked properly. So lately, I have been contemplating starting a community garden. I guess I should contemplate a backyard garden first. I have never grown anything of stubstance. Even my science fair projects (tomatoes) died- year after year. But I am trying to eat healthier and I don't want to pay a ridiculous amount of money on things I have the capability of growing myself.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Random Thoughts
- I'm feeling good. I realized that I have been holding back a lot! I dont think I was ready to deal with the emotions that have been inside. Alas, it is time to express them.
- I don't have the energy, concentration, or wherewithall to blog on just tamara, writing journal, and tggt every day. Copying and posting just irritates me. Seriously. Then I can't remember the tags I used for each post. Uggh! LOL. I'll get more organized.
- I'm a lot more spiritual now.
- I haven't been to church in ages, but every little step I take is divinely done so.
- I meditate on a weekly basis. Will eventually get to a daily basis.
- 2010 Agenda = Trusting that I am on the right path!
- I have started volunteering more. It's actually fun. I have met some cool people who give me great ideas. One lady told me about Holiday Tours and how reasonable the trips are. Another lady told me about ballroom dancing. I think I am going to try to get into that this summer.
- Traveling is on the agenda for the next 6 months. Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Washington DC (2x's), Carolina Beach/Wilmington, and somewhere oversees-- hopefully France!
- I submitted my passport application and my picture was cute! Should have that back in about a month or so. Woot woot!
- I'm engaged! On the grind to get into that perfect wedding dress. 3 lbs a week is doable. I just gotta get my walk on and drinking that H2O!
- Heading over to DC for Pink Dot Concepts Say I Do Wedding Expo... You're coming right? June 6, 2010 is right around the corner!
Friday, March 26, 2010
I ended the reaching out to people because I didn't really think they cared one way or the other. In that previous post/comments, I recognized that each friend has their purpose/time frame to be in my life. I have a friend who is solely for traveling, another who I can go to hangout with, another who is good for Barnes & Noble trips, etc... Everyone is not in my life for the same thing.
But there is another group of people that I have neglected. Other people I just lost touch with...I liked them still the same, they moved to other cities,states,etc and phone numbers got changed, emails were exchanged a few times, but that was about it. I really miss some of those people. Facebook has done a great job of reconnecting me with the people who I genuinely like, do not get on my nerves, have a lot in common with, and are no longer in the same city/region in which I live. Some I understand are still not supposed to be in my life, while others I can't wait to meet up with again.
Thank God for technology.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I was talking with my girlfriend and a few other friends, and we have drawn some conclusions about relationships:
1) After an argument, it is good to reflect and go inside one's self to figure out the underlying issue.
The results: becoming a better person and having a better relationship.
2) Communication is key to any good relationship. It is not just hearing but actually listening-deciphering-and creating dialogue; getting right down to the core/meat of the situation.
The results: becoming a better person and having a better relationship.
3) All relationships have at least 1 big test. And you have to be your best self in order to pass it.
The results: the end or an improved relationship.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Congratulations D.C.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Passport Day

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Enjoy Life
Sometimes we get so caught up on completing a task...we forget to enjoy the task.
If you like sewing, take pleasure in threading that needle-- it is the start of a new project-- a new beginning.
If you like writing, don't get caught up in the completion of the story...enjoy the writing. Enjoy the creative process. Enjoy Life! God put us here to get as much pleasure as possible! How good can you stand it?
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
A Creative Woman
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ain't it pretty?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Cupcakes...The New Wedding Cake

The love of my life is fascinated with cupcakes. She loves them. I love cookies- well anything sweet really. For our wedding, we are considering having a cake and/or cupcakes.

There is a lot to consider: flavors of the cake, fillings, icing/fondant, decorations, etc. Then we have to consider the tastes of our guests- but more importantly our tastes. (LOL) When looking at pictures online, they all just look so good. Plus, we will probably have a destination wedding so then there are the logistics of choosing a bakery. This will be really fun.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Our Valentine's Day
Where: Emerywood Cafe
What we ate!
Duck Confit Spring Rolls; Served with a duck sweet and sour sauce.
Bacon-Wrapped Scallops served over goat cheese and sun-dried tomato risotto, spaghetti zucchini and squash, with Béarnaise sauce.
Crab and Tarragon-Stuffed Red Snapper, served with roasted Yukon potatoes, sauteed tri-color carrots and Hollandaise sauce.
Chocolate Mousse with whipped cream and slivered almonds
Chocolate bread pudding
After dinner, we went to Barnes & Noble. It's one of our favorite hangout spots. I had such a great time that I went to sleep around midnight. That's early for me. I hope you had a wonderful day as well. ~Ciao!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Spirit World
I have read a few books in the last month that really made me believe in a higher power:
Ask Your Guides by Sonia Choquette
Diary of a Psychic by Sonia Choquette
Life Among the Dead by Lisa Williams
Do Dead People Watch You Shower by Concetta Bertoldi
and then this book about angels and ascended masters by Doreen Virtue. This one was a little different, but interesting to say the least.
I started reading just because I felt drawn to the books. I felt like I was being pulled to them. And once I picked them up, I couldn't put them down.
The consensus of the first 4 books is that there is a "spirit world" or "other side". When we cross over, we get a "review of our life". This sounds familiar, right? We are met by ancestors, spirits from past lives, angels, God, and spirit masters or teachers.
The other thing that caught my attention in the books is that it talked about how there is a such thing as reincarnation, Jesus does exist, and God is Love. There aren't bodies in the traditional sense but "light". And that we are surrounded by the light which is love. Does this make sense? What do you think?
I could jive with this information because it lends credence to my idea that we are all put here to find out if we can get along. Like- with all of our differences, do we have the capacity to show each other our true essence- which is love. I think that's God's test and unfortunately == we have room for improvement. That's just one lesson I entertained. If I think of more, I will share.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Commentary: The American Healthcare System
The debate has gone on far too long. Capitalism versus socialism all leads down to one thing - control. The "haves" want to dictate to the "havenots". How many people without healthcare insurance have you heard complain about healthcare reform? Instead of saying who can go see the "best doctors" and use the "best machines" with the "best insurance", we should be trying to make sure that citizens of "the economic powerhouse" have access to the basic necessities. Health insurance is a necessity. It is essential to the overall physiological and safety of the self.
Some contend that capitalism offers the opportunity for healthcare to be offered in an economical way. However, there is already a capitalistic nature to healthcare and it is not working. There are those who can afford to have their doctor on standby while others simply must wait and pray for a sober physician. Of course all doctors are not horrible, but many will tell you that they are not paid enough. If the doctors feel underpaid and overworked- are they doing their best work?
I have fallen in love with the concept that some doctors take - no insurance. That's right; simply put- the doctor does not accept insurance for services. They ask for cash only and it is a flat rate fee. I especially like doctors who conduct the labwork in the office (then I don't get that silly bill two months later.)
How many of you have ever gone to the doctor, paid the deductible/bill, and still left without knowing what was really wrong or what tests were being run? If you knew what tests were being conducted, did you know how much it cost before the procedure was completed? Aren't you tired of being ignorant about your healthcare bills? This saga has occurred to many Americans in several different arenas: community health clinic, emergency room, private physician, urgent care facilities, etc. When is enough- enough?
The best healthcare system in the world cares about all of the constituents; not just the ones who can afford premiums, deductibles, and such. Unfortunately, America doesn't fit the bill.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Can’t Run From It
In September, I tried to extricate myself from "That Gay Girl Tamara". Not because I was uncomfortable with my sexuality, but because I felt trapped in the "brand". Is that all I am: a black Christian lesbian with a very conservative mother? Certainly not.
But as I tried to switch gears for "Just Tamara"—trying to create an authentic representative of my total self—the more "gay" I felt.
My life revolves around my loves: the love of my life happens to be at the top of the list.
She is a part of me. The blog originally started because I was outing myself. Since I spent the most time without her in the last year, she is evenmoreso. (I guess space does make the heart grow fonder.) My other loves: fashion, books, food, décor, travel, etc. fit into my life quite nicely. However, my identity as a young, Black American, lesbian isn't going anywhere. So I might as well embrace it. Even in my writings, I have grappled with whether or not I want to write for an lgbt or mainstream audience. (I don't think I have to choose, the story will dictate its path.)
However, I don't care to put myself in little boxes any longer.
Currently, all of the posts have been merged into both sites: Just Tamara and TGGT. I know some people made the transition while others did not…and that's okay. I will be posting blogs on both sites. They will probably be identical. I figure if you are at work and don't want to be ousted…go to the JT page and if you don't care either way- TGGT is for you.
I thank you for your time, comments, and support. I truly have enjoyed sharing my life with you.
Monday, January 18, 2010
New Motto
being my best self is a contribution to the world.