Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tevin...I Love You

Tevin...Oh how I loved him. Just thinking about Round and Round, Can We Talk, Break it Down, I'm Ready, Always in My Heart, Brown Eyed Girl, and all of the other wonderful smooth R&B that came from him...makes me want to .... I don't know...melt? scream? blush? Can't come up with the right word. But I do miss him on the scene. And if you don't know who I am talking about...I have to call you lame- Tevin Campbell. From 6th grade on ... I was obsessed with all things Tevin. I had pictures of him on my wall. Any performance that was televised... I saw it.

When Boyz in the Hood came out, I used to rewind the part where "Just ask me to" played...just so I could hear the song. I remember when I first say his videos on VHI Soul. It used to irritate the hell out of me that after being on the countdown for weeks...they would only play a snippet of the video. We didn't have BET. We could only get it on Saturday and Sunday mornings from like 8am - noon and then 12 am - 1:00 am for Midnight Love. Yeah, our cable company was whack. They claimed there was not enough of a audience to support BET all day. I bet they have changed their tune now.

One time, I sent this guy a letter full of sexy lyrics from his songs. LOL. Of course, he expected me to give it up. I wouldn't so he called me a tease. I just thought I was writing a sexy letter. LOL. I was 15. I didn't really expect him to want something from me. LOL. How naive. I couldn't find a video of SHH. Break It down...which is still even to this favorite Tevin song. Whew.


  1. i love all of his songs. i remember when he was with the Popcorn Kids and they sang "Tomorrow". i love that song! we sang that at my 5th grade graduation! lol

    now, i gotta listen to his music!!

  2. yeah, I will be having a Tevin moment later as well. Thanks for the flashbacks...

  3. aaah! You have no idea how much I loved that song! Can We Talk for a min., girl I want to know your name...
