Sunday, November 9, 2008

Back to life..

Back to reality...I know you remember that song. But anywho...I am feeling "in limbo" right now. I want so much from life, but it feels somewhat elusive. I want to do things for me, instead of doing them for others. This rant stems from me " not having a real job". That statement in itself has me pissed. You already know who said it...yep, my momma.

I work hard. I update 2 blogs, conduct interviews for freelance jobs, write articles for the deux dames website, make clutches and purses for sale on the blog, website, and arts & crafts fairs. Plus I look for other venues to spread our work, collaborate with others all while trying to keep a roof over my head and food in my tummy. I work-Everyday-In some fashion or another. At night I am so tired, I drift off to sleep with no problem (i used to be a terrible insomniac). I am almost at that level of success, I have been trying to reach...I just want a little bit of SUPPORT. Is that too much to ask?


  1. You sound like me.Even though I don't have a "real" job at the moment or a "regular" job like everyone else I still work hard. I update 2 blogs as well,do freelance writing, hair, graphic design, and some other stuff. As much as I need more income I am NOT feeling working for someone else. Anywho, just keep your head and up doing what you're doing to make your dreams come true.

  2. You're doing a lot. Although I can't offer you the kind of support you're looking for, I admire your aggressive attitude towards your goals...all frustrations aside. It will all pay off in one way or another.

  3. just hang in there. i learned that sometimes you just have to go the mile alone, and i stopped expecting people to be there and support me. there is a gospel song that i love that says sometimes you just have to encourage yourself. and that's so true. it is great that you are not bound by a J-O-B and that you are doing what you want to do in life. keep on keepin on.

  4. Remember when we were kids and our parents used to encourage us to have big dreams? Why do they want us to stop when we get older?

    Hang in there!

  5. I see you all tellin it like it is!

    Glennisha: I know our dreams will be fulfilled.

    Jgirl: Agressive? I am hitting it hard. I need to chill out then. Thanks for the "support". :-)

    PinkChocolate: You are so right. I need to stop depending on her and depend on God. Is that what he has been trying to tell me? Dang...

    ABG: Good question. I should put on my psychology hat. "I think when we were little, parents could step in and finalize the decision for us; whether we wanted them to or not. When we get older, they get mired in fear believing we are going to make the wrong decision and they can't do anything about it."

    Taking the hat off-- That's freeing--Seeing it from her side.

    But I am not scared, so I am going to keep following my dreams.

  6. Just keep doing you, because I know your hard work will pay off. To the outside it may not seem like much, but only you know how much toil it takes to achieve your goals. After a while, others will see it, too.
