Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations America

This is one of those things that was bound to happen. As I was at the library last night, I heard mounds of people talking about they didn't was against their religion...McCain was going to win anyway...etc, etc. They mocked the desire for people to really want change and actually go out and do it.

But this was bound to happen. With or without the naysayers, the Lord saw fit for Obama to be the next President of the United States and let everything align in his favor. North Carolina's electoral wasn't even called and Obama still had over 270 needed electorates. Just think if those knuckleheads would have wouldn't have been too close to call. But it didn't matter. Even the broken down ballot machines didn't twist this result. And there was no need for a recount.

Simply put, it will change the course of our country forever.

I must admit I was not an Obama supporter initially. I was definitely a Hillary fan because she actually spelled out what she was going to do. She had a plan. Not just a reiteration of the problem. Maybe that was Hillary's downfall...she had too much planned and people didn't care about the details. I am a details type of I was sold on her initiatives. But after she lost and McCain chose Palin...I had to sit back and take a look at this situation. Like I said, I followed my heart. I would have loved for Palin to be more polished -- share any one of my views on any subject--but she didn't so I had to move on to someone who did see my vision for a better country. And by golly America you did what many thought was the unthinkable. Congratulations.

1 comment:

  1. History in the making! I've always been a fan. I love what he represents...
