Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An attack on love...

Some people find it hard to believe that I am and have no problem with religion/sexuality and that I actually call myself a christian.

Here's the thing: If I believe that 1. I am a child of God, 2. He knew me before I knew myself, and 3. That God created me in his image then I must believe that 1. I am loved, 2. This is no surprise to him, and 3. I am not the abomination that others try to make me out to be.

I believe that it is our responsibility to practice loving. God loved us so much that he gave his son's life for us. (This is what I believe, whatever your religion I am sure there is a similar ideology). In return, we should continue to pay that love forward. Love.

An attack on gay marriage is an attack on love. Shouldn't we want love in our society? Wouldn't love make our society better? Relationships stronger? Whether it is big love or small love, shouldn't we be encouraging healthy loving relationships in all of its forms--especially between consenting adults?

Wouldn't that make for a stronger America?

Maybe we should eliminate marriages all together. It isn't creating the desired results. It doesn't keep a relationship or family unit together. What it does is give people who get married, special rights (tax breaks, visitation rights, etc). Marriage doesn't create a family....it manages families.

As a matter of fact, marriage is not even talked about in the bible as a necessity. Let me hush, I do not think you all are ready for that conversation yet.

New campaign: No on Marriage, Yes on Love?

Yeah, I said it, now what?


  1. have you seen my blog, I have had some discussions about this very same issues. christians have came threw praying for me and trying to save me from hell.

    its a touchy topic, one which I don't think will have an end...

  2. I'm down for the cause. God loves us and we're to spread love. That's what the overall message is. But you know what people don't talk about because it's too touchy? People are afraid to admit that they use the bible and religion for convenience. You know some stuff they want to boast and preach on and other stuff becomes irrelevant, insignificant or just thrown to the curb. It becomes pick and choose. You know people talk about what they believe is wrong but if the bible mentions someting they doing, then they kinda bypass it. But let us save that for another discussion.

  3. *Where is the love?* Black Eye Peas just started playing in my head.

  4. Mary said it best: "Love is all we need." Marriage is nothing but a business arrangement, the commitment is what really matters.
