Monday, December 8, 2008

The Gay Marriage Thing Part II

Marriage, Prop 8, Gay Marriage. Even though I am writing about it, and it is one topic that is seriously overdone, it didn't keep me from looking at the movie of the same title. It took me awhile to get the funds together (yes, $2 was that hard for me to come by) but it was well worth it!

"THE GAY MARRIAGE THING tells the stories behind the signs. Stories lived by people on both sides of the marriage debate. I chose quite deliberately to speak with people who did not agree with my life, let alone my opinion. People ask me if this was difficult. My answer is always a resounding yes. But that’s the point. True discussion and communication is often difficult. It is easy to ignore your opposer’s humanity while they ignore yours. It is less work to scream and shout than to take the time to find the right words to speak in a civil manner. It is less frightening to cover your ears and avoid hearing another’s story." (source: Stephanie Higgins)

That statement literally sent chills up and down my arms. This truth is so profound and and a foundation for engaging one another in true communication.

Check out the trailer:

I think this is a good time to add, although my mom and I have very different views on my life, I still love her and she still loves me. I guess she just won't be helping me to pick out my wedding dress. Oh well....naw let me take that back. Everyone is a critic, so I am sure she will have something to say about that too.


  1. Unfortunately, my slow computer wouldn't allow me to view the trailer. However, I must admit that Prop 8 and all this discussion about it has infiltrated my psyche. Since it didn't go as planned, what can we move on to? What is next on the agenda? Let's stop pointing fingers and just arbitrarily blaming certain groups for how the vote went. It's time for further movement and action, more speech about resolutions and not this "woe is me" mentality that some people are possessing. The fight is not over. We must look ahead at the potential for victory.

  2. One of the suggestions is to do a letter writing campaign to your congressmen. what do you think?
